Kids Say is a 10-episode research-based documentary television series commissioned by Radio and Television Hong Kong (RTHK). It is a research on everyday-life topics from kids’ point of view. Topics include philosophical, daily, emotional areas like Love, Siblings, sadness, etc. The contents were collected from interviewing 60 school kids during their school time and after school clubs.
10 episodes include themes : Love, Happiness, Family, Friendship, Siblings, Sadness and Anger, Kids and Adults, Good and Bad, Life and Death and World.

1. Happiness 快樂 / 3’
What is Happiness? Kids tell you ways of getting happiness -- can be as simple as burping or hearing a weird sound.
2.Family 家庭 / 3’
What makes a family? Apart from fundamental life supply, we also need time for each other, forgiveness and love. Parents provide care and support to raise kids, in return, parents learn parenting through kids.
何謂一個完整家庭?孩子說︰「除了要有基本的物質需要,還要有時間多相處、多原諒、多陪伴、多些愛。」父母教導孩子,提供一切所需,「孩子說–“Family”。」以動畫說明成人也可從孩子身上學習成長和愛。 (RTHK)
3. Love 愛 / 2’ 58”
Love is such a huge topic, and grownups think they know it all. Yet kids came to the world loving their parents unconditionally. Because of love, we become a better person.
4.Friendship 友誼 / 3’ 9”
Grownups found that they have less friends as they grow up, but kids make friends so easily. They can be good friends without knowing each other’s names. Friends.
5. Siblings 手足 / 3’ 8”
We fight and argue with our siblings, but after the quarrel and conflict, we enjoy and treasure our siblings’ presence. Having siblings is actually a blessing.
6.Sadness and anger 悲傷和憤怒 / 3’ 8”
What makes us sad and angry? What would calm us down when we have negative emotions? Kids tell us their suggestions.
7.Kids and Adults 小孩和大人 / 2’ 45”
What is the difference between kids and adults? Is it maturity, ability or physique? Let’s hear what the kids think.
大人和小孩有什麼分別? 除了身體上和知識上的分別,還有什麼令大人成為大人? 聽聽小孩告訴我們吧。
8.Good and Bad 好與壞 / 3’ 5”
What defines good and bad? How would kids, who are without presumed moral judgement, see our society which is full of grey areas?
如何定義好與壞? 在這個充滿灰色地帶的社會,沒有太多前設道德規範的小孩是如何看待好與壞的呢?
9.Life and Death 生和死 / 3’ 2”
Kids have barely started living after coming to the world. How would they take this philosophical question – the difference between life and death? Indeed, kids have their own wise insight.
對於初來地球報到的小孩,生命才剛開始。 他們對於生和死有什麼看法? 看看小孩子有什麼智慧的洞見。
10. World 世界 / 3’ 3”
The world is so big, how can kids make sense of it? Kids tell us their observations of their environment and give us some solutions how to preserve it.
世界這麼大, 小小的人兒又如何感受大世界? 他們意識到環境保護,也有他們對環境污染的擔憂和解決方法。