Fishing with Popo (2011) l 8min
“Two years after my grandmother’s death, I decided to do a documentary about her. I had no footage of her except a half-hour interview and some photographs. I interviewed my relatives as they revealed how her simplicity and humility always concealed her sacrifices in her lifetime. In those interviews, I realized, that ‘true accounts’ would, however, be shadowed by the interviewee’s personality and vocabulary. The more I dug for her stories and physical traces, the more I realized my memories of her were the most powerful images to build a portrait of her. In animation I have tried to relive those memories and stories and express my longing for her.” (Lilian Fu)

-Best Animation- WAMM (Women And Minorities in Media Festival) 2012
Official selections:
-BIG SKY Documentary Film Festival 2013
-InDPolar International Animation Festival (InDPolar國際動畫節)2012
- It’s All True - International Documentary Film Festival 2012
-LIDF London Inter’ documentary festival 2012
Director - Wing Yan Lilian, Fu
writer(s) - Wing Yan Lilian, Fu, Akshay Singh
Editor - John Murphy
Sound editor - Pavol Kajan
Composer - Finn McNicholas
Sound Mixing -Pavol Kajan
Animator(s) - Wing Yan Lilian, FU
Ana Caro
Min Young Oh
Vivian Fu
Ana Caro
Min Young Oh
Vivian Fu
Colorist(s) - Kristina Yee
Claire Winter
Yousif Al-khalifa
Claire Winter
Yousif Al-khalifa